Angie Taylor

"It`s the dream of a bass! An extremely flexible sound, handy, reliable both live and in studio. In short: a real instrument to work with that looks wonderful and never leaves you alone."

Angie Taylor überHuman Base Instruments


Angie Taylor was a bassplayer in various concerts and tv-shows for many artists,
e.g. "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" ("German Pop Idol" ) , "Starsearch" and "Popstars" Among other places she played in New York`s "BB-King's Blues Club" with John Paris and supported Irish Newcomers in Dublin in studio and with songwriting.

Presently she is touring with "Mannheim United Artists" and "Chamäleon" and is booked regularly for various bands as a session bassplayer and songwriter. Right now she prefers most being in studio and working on danceable funk and electronic songs.

She is studying "Popmusicdesign" at the Popakademie Mannheim and is going to be a "Bachelor of Arts" in July 2008.

Angie Taylor had four intensive years of bass study with the jazzer German Klaiber and the famous Swiss bassplayer Joell Reiff. At present she gets lessons from Frank Itt and and the "Genius on Bass" Dave King.
